4.24. A cranked shaft - installation and check of a lubricant backlash of radical bearings1. Turn the engine and remove covers of radical bearings.
2. Remove old loose leaves and wipe a surface of the block of cylinders and covers. They should be ideally pure.
Check of a lubricant backlash of radical bearings
3. Establish loose leaves of bearings on the block of cylinders and a cover of radical bearings. Loose leaves with a flute are established on the block of cylinders, and loose leaves with a ledge are established on covers. Check up, that lubricant apertures in the block of cylinders coincided with flutes in loose leaves.
8.4 Internal elements of the engine
1. Маховик*
2. Gear венец*
3. A transitive plate * *
4. Conducting диск* *
5. Transitive пластина* *
7. A back plate
8. A coupling casing
9. A back epiploon
10. An epiploon casing
11. A lining
12. A cover of the radical bearing
13. The bottom loose leaf of the radical bearing
14. A cranked shaft
15. The top loose leaf of the radical bearing
* Cars with a mechanical transmission
* * Cars with an automatic transmission
4. Loose leaves of the persistent bearing with flanges should be established on the central cover and a saddle of the block of cylinders ( 8.4).
5. Wipe a surface of loose leaves on the block of cylinders and necks of a cranked shaft a pure rag.
6. Check up, that lubricant apertures in cranked to a shaft were pure.
7. Accurately establish a cranked shaft on bearings.
8 ' Before definitive installation of a cranked shaft it is necessary to check up lubricant backlashes of bearings.
23.9 Put pieces of film Пластигодж (it is specified by the marksman) on necks of radical bearings in parallel an axis of a cranked shaft
9. Cut off some slices of film Пластигодж (hardly more shortly, than width of radical bearings) and put on each of necks of radical bearings in parallel an axis of a cranked shaft ( 23.9).
10. Clear a surface of loose leaves in covers and establish covers into place, arrows to the forward party of the engine.
11. Since the central cover, tighten bolts of covers in three stages till the demanded moment of an inhaling. Do not rotate cranked валз.
12. Turn off bolts and remove covers.
23.13 Measure width of the crushed film
Пластигодж for definition lubricant зазораподшипника
13. Compare width of crushed film Пластигодж on each of necks to a scale entering into the measuring complete set ( 23.13).
14. If the backlash is too great or too small, establish loose leaves of other size. Check up, that at measurement of a lubricant backlash between loose leaves and covers or the block of cylinders there was no dirt or oils. If the width of the crushed film is wider from one end, than from another, possibly neck of a cranked shaft has конусную the form.
15. Accurately remove the rests of a film from necks and loose leaves.
Definitive installation of a cranked shaft
16. Accurately remove a cranked shaft from the engine.
17. Clear loose leaves and grease with their equal layer молибденовой greasings. Also grease flanges of the persistent bearing.
18. Check up, that necks of a cranked shaft were pure, and establish a cranked shaft on the engine.
19. Clear a surface of loose leaves on covers and grease them.
20. Establish covers into place arrows forward.
21. Establish fixing bolts.
22. Tighten bolts of all covers, except a cover of the persistent bearing till the demanded moment of an inhaling (tighten bolts in three stages, since the middle of a cranked shaft).
23. Tighten bolts of a cover of the persistent bearing to 10-12 pounds on inch.
26. Shift a cranked shaft forward and back, having knocked on it a copper hammer to combine persistent surfaces of the radical bearing and a cranked shaft.
27. Tighten bolts of all covers of radical bearings till the necessary moment of an inhaling.
28. On models with a mechanical transmission establish the new basic bearing on the semiaxis end.
29. Turn a cranked shaft a hand and check up, that it rotated freely.
30. Check up axial люфт a cranked shaft.