4.1. Technical characteristicsThe general
Pressure of compression (at 250 rpm)
192 psi
Pressure of oil (the engine прогрет)
Minimum 11 psi at an idling mode
Engines in volume of 1,5 l
Deformation of a head of the block of cylinders
The nominal
0,05 mm
Maximum permissible
Models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1990 of release and later
0,2 mm
All the others
0,1 mm
Клапанный the mechanism
Width of a facet of valves
Inlet valves
The nominal
1,0 mm
Is minimum admissible
0,5 mm
Final valves
The nominal
1,5 mm
Is minimum admissible
1,0 mm
Diameter of a rod of valves (inlet and final)
6,6 mm
Backlash between a rod of the valve and the directing plug
Inlet valves (models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1989 of release and later)
The nominal
0,02-0,05 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Inlet valves (all other models)
The nominal
0,03-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
Final valves (all models)
The nominal
0,05-0,09 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,15 mm
Springs of valves
As much as possible admissible deformation
3 ° Pressure
Models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1991 and later
Inlet valves
32,5 kg at compression till the length 27 mm
Final valves
40,7 kg at compression till the length 27 mm
All other models (inlet and final valves)
33,8 kg at compression till the length 27 mm
Installation height
36 mm
Клапанный the mechanism (continuation)
Length a free condition
Models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1991 and later
The inlet
46,1 mm
The final
46,8 mm
All other models (inlet and final valves)
44,6 mm
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix
Diameter of a rod of the valve
4,30 mm
Facet corner
45 ° the Spring
Length a free condition
29,6 mm
3,5 kg at length 21,5 mm
Cranked shaft and rods
Rod neck
42 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,01 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,014-0,044 mm
Lateral backlash of rods
0,10-0,25 mm
Radical necks
48 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,01 mm
As much as possible admissible palpation
0,03 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,02-0,07 mm
Axial люфт a cranked shaft
0,05-0,18 mm
Diameter (nominal)
75,5 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,02 mm
Pistons and piston rings
Diameter of pistons (nominal) *
75,5 mm
Backlash between the piston and cylinder walls
0,02-0,04 mm
Trailer backlash of piston rings
Компрессионные rings
The nominal
0,20-0,35 mm
As much as possible admissible 0,8 mm
Маслосъемное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
1,0 mm
Lateral backlash of piston rings
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,03-0,07 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,15 mm
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,02-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,12 mm
*На to height in 2 mm from a bottom of a skirt of the piston
The inhaling moments *, Ft-lbs
Bolts of covers of radical bearings
Nuts of covers of rods
Models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1990 of release and later
Stage 1
Stage 2
Tighten on a turn quarter
(90 °)
All other models
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix
*Также look the Part And this Chapter
Engines in volume of 1,6 l
Deformation of a head of the block of cylinders
The nominal
0,05 mm
Maximum permissible
Models Colt, Lancer, Mirage 1990 of release and later
0,2 mm
All the others
0,1 mm.
Клапанный the mechanism
Width of a facet of valves
Inlet valves (DOHC)
The nominal
1,0 mm
Is minimum admissible
0,7 mm
Inlet valves (SOHC)
The nominal
1,5 mm
Is minimum admissible
1,0 mm
Final valves (all models)
The nominal
1,5 mm
Is minimum admissible
1,0 mm
Diameter of a rod of valves
SOHC (inlet and final)
8,0 mm
The inlet
6,6 mm
The final
6,5 mm
Backlash between a rod of the valve and the directing plug
Inlet valves (SOHC)
The nominal
0,03-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Inlet valves (DOHC)
The nominal
0,02-0,05 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Final valves (all models)
The nominal
0,05-0,09 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,15 mm
Springs of valves
As much as possible admissible deformation
4 °
24 kg at compression till the length 27,3 mm
Installation height
37,3 mm
Length a free condition
44,6 mm
48,3 mm
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix (only models with one camshaft)
(Only models
Diameter of a rod of the valve
4,30 mm
Facet corner
45 ° the Spring
Length a free condition
29,60 mm
34,3 N at length 21,5 mm
Cranked shaft and rods
Rod neck
45 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,015 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,02-0,05 mm
Lateral backlash of rods
0,10-0,25 mm
Radical necks
57,0 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,015 mm
As much as possible admissible palpation
0,005 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,02-0,05 mm
Axial люфт a cranked shaft
0,05-0,18 mm
Diameter (nominal)
76,9 mm
82,3 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,02 mm
0,01 mm
Pistons and piston rings
Diameter of pistons (nominal) *
76,9 mm
82,3 mm
Backlash between the piston and cylinder walls
Models of release 1985 and 1986
0,02-0,04 mm
Models of release 1987 and 1988
0,03-0,05 mm
Models of release of 1989
0,03-0,05 mm
Models of release of 1990 and later
0,02-0,04 mm
Trailer backlash of piston rings
Компрессионные rings (SOHC)
The top ring
The nominal
0,25-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,08 mm
The second ring
The nominal
0,20-0,35 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,08 mm
Маслосъемное a ring (SOHC)
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Компрессионные rings (DOHC)
The top ring
The nominal
0,25-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
The second ring
The nominal
0,35-0,50 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,08 mm
Маслосъемное a ring (DOHC)
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Lateral backlash of piston rings
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,03-0,07 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,02-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
DOHC (both компрессионных rings)
The nominal
0,03-0,07 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
*На to height in 2 mm from a bottom of a skirt of the piston
The inhaling moments *, Ft-lbs
Bolts of covers of radical bearings
Nuts of covers of rods
Заглушка the pressure decrease valve
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix
Bolts of covers of radical bearings
Nuts of covers of rods
Заглушка the pressure decrease valve
*Также look the Part And this Chapter
Engines in volume 1,8, 2,0 and 2,4 l
Deformation of a head of the block of cylinders
The nominal
0,05 mm
Maximum permissible
0,2 mm
Клапанный the mechanism
Width of a facet of valves
Inlet valves
The nominal
1,2 mm
Is minimum admissible
0,7 mm
Final valves
The nominal
2,0 mm
Is minimum admissible
1,5 mm
Inlet valves
The nominal
1,0 mm
Is minimum admissible
0,7 mm
Final valves
The nominal
1,5 mm
Is minimum admissible
1,0 mm
Diameter of a rod of valves
SOHC (inlet and final)
8,0 mm
The inlet
6,58 mm
The final
6,55 mm
Backlash between a rod of the valve and directing
The plug
Inlet valves
The nominal
0,03-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Final valves
The nominal
0,05-0,09 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,15 mm
Inlet valves
The nominal
0,02-0,05 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Final valves
The nominal
0,05-0,09 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,15 mm
Springs of valves
As much as possible admissible deformation
3 ° Pressure
Models Galant with two camshafts of 1990 of release and later
300 N
All other models
322 N
Installation height
Models with the engine in volume of 2,4,1,8 and 2,0 l (except Galant)
40,4 mm
Models Galant with the engine обьемом 2,0 l (SOHC and DOHC)
Length a free condition
Models Cordia/Tredia with one distributive
1.8L (1983-1986)
47,5 mm
1.8L (1987и1988)
49,8 mm
2.0L (1984и1985)
47,5 mm
2.0L (1986-1988)
49,8 mm
Models Galant with one camshaft
2.4L (1985-1987)
49,8 mm
2.0L (1989 of release and later)
49,8 mm
Models Galant with two camshafts
2.0L (models of release till March, 1988)
45,8 mm
2.0L (models of release after April, 1988)
48,3 mm
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix
Diameter of a rod of the valve
4,30 mm
Facet corner
45 °
Length a free condition
29,60 mm
34,3 N at length 21,5 mm
Cranked shaft and rods
Rod neck
45,0 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,01 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,02-0,05 mm
Lateral backlash of rods
0,10-0,25 mm
Radical necks
57,0 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality
0,016 m
As much as possible admissible конусность
0,005 mm
Lubricant backlash of the bearing
0,02-0,05 mm
Axial люфт a cranked shaft
0,05-0,18 mm
Diameter (nominal)
1983-1985 1.8L
85,0 mm
1986-1988 1.8L
80,6 mm
1984-1988 2.0L
85,0 mm
86,5 mm
2.0L (SOHC and DOHC)
85,1 mm
As much as possible admissible ovality and конусность
0,02 mm
Pistons and piston rings
Diameter of pistons (nominal) *
86,5 mm
2.0L and 1.8L
85,0 mm
1.8L turbo
80,6 mm
Backlash between the piston and cylinder walls
0,02-0,04 mm
2.0L and 1.8L
0,01-0,03 mm
1.8L turbo
0,03-0,05 mm
Trailer backlash of piston rings
1.8L turbo and 2.0L SOHC (except 2.0L Galant)
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,25-0,45 mm
As much as possible admissible
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
Маслосъемное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
1.8L turbo SOHC
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,30-0,45 mm
As much as possible admissible
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,35 mm
As much as possible admissible
Маслосъемное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
2.4L and 2.0L ООНС
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,25-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
The second компрессионное a ring (only for models 2.4L)
The nominal
0,20-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
The second компрессионное a ring (only for models 2.0L)
The nominal
0,35-0,50 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
Маслосъемное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
2.0L SOHC Galant
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,25-0,40 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,35 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,80 mm
Маслосъемное a ring
The nominal
0,20-0,70 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
Lateral backlash of piston rings
2.4L (1985-1987)
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,05-0,09 mm
As much as possible admissible
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,02-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
2.4L (only 1988) and 2.0L S0HC Galant
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,03-0,07 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,02-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
SOHC 2.0L and 1.8L (except 2.0L Galant)
Top компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,045-0,085 mm
As much as possible admissible
The second компрессионное a ring
The nominal
0,02-0,06 mm
As much as possible admissible
2.0L D0HC
Both компрессионных rings
The nominal
0,03-0,07 mm
As much as possible admissible
0,10 mm
*На to height in 2 mm from a bottom of a skirt of the piston
The inhaling moments *, Ft-lbs
Bolts of covers of radical bearings
47-51 .
Nuts of covers of rods
Valves of an admission of the rarefied fuel mix
Заглушка the pressure decrease valve
Also look the Part And this Chapter