13.7. The suspension bracket lever - removal, survey and installationRemoval
1. Lift the car and remove a wheel.
3.3б... Then turn off two bolts and nuts (are specified by arrows), крепящие распорку to the suspension bracket lever
2. Turn off bolts and nuts, крепящие распорку to the suspension bracket lever ( 3.3б) both a nut and a bolt, крепящие the spherical hinge to the suspension bracket lever.
6.3а Turn off a nut and get шарнирный a lever bolt (it is specified by an arrow) - if the bolt does not act in film, beat out it (Precis)
6.3б Forward internal шарнирный a bolt of the lever of a suspension bracket (it is specified by an arrow) (Galant)
6. Зв the Back internal fixing arm of the lever of a suspension bracket. Turn off bolts and nuts (are specified by arrows) for removal of the lever from a body (Galant)
3. Turn off a nut and remove шарнирный a lever bolt ( 6.3а, 6.3б and 6. Зв). Disconnect the lever from a cross-beam.
4. Examine the lever on deformation presence. Examine plugs on presence of deterioration or damages. Replace the lever and plugs if it is necessary.
5. Establish the suspension bracket lever on a cross-beam. Establish a bolt and a nut, but yet do not tighten them up to the end.
6. Connect the external end of the lever to the spherical hinge and распорке and tighten three nuts till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
7. Establish a jack under the spherical hinge and lift the lever in position in which it is at car movement, and tighten a nut and шарнирный a bolt till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
8. Establish a wheel and lower the car on the earth.