13.23. System of hydrostrengthening of a steering - prorolling1. If at performance of any operations, you disconnected hydraulic hoses of system of strengthening of a steering, the system is necessary for pumping over to remove from it all air and to achieve demanded strengthening of a steering.
2. Having established wheels so that they looked precisely directly, check up level of a hydraulic liquid in a tank of the pump and if it is necessary, add such quantity of a hydraulic liquid of recommended type (See the corresponding chapter) that its level has risen to mark Cold on щупе.
3. Start the engine and set aside it to work in a single mode with the raised turns. Again check up level of a hydraulic liquid and add it if it is necessary that level of a hydraulic liquid was up to standard of mark Cold on щупе.
4. Pump over system of strengthening of a steering, having turned wheels some times here and there, do not turn a wheel up to the end. It will remove air from hydraulic system. At air removal watch, that the tank of a hydraulic liquid on the pump was full.
5. After air will be removed from system, establish wheels so that they looked, precisely directly, and leave the engine to work for some minutes before muffling it.
6. Pass on the car and check up work of a steering and absence of extraneous noise at steering wheel rotation.
7. Check up level of a hydraulic liquid, it should be up to standard of mark Hot on щупе, while the engine прогрет to normal working temperature. Add a hydraulic liquid if it is necessary (See the corresponding chapter).