13.4. Распорка - removal and installationRemoval
1. Lift the car and remove a forward wheel.
2.6а Elements of the stabilizer of cross-section stability and распорки (Precis)
1. The plug
2. The plug
3. The stabilizer of cross-section stability
4. The plug
5. The plug
6. Распорка
2. Remove a clip, крепящий the stabilizer of cross-section stability to распорке ( 2.6а).
3.3а For removal распорки turn off the big nut and remove a washer and the plug...
3. Turn off a nut, крепящую the stabilizer of cross-section stability to a cross-beam of a forward suspension bracket and two bolts and nuts, крепящие other end распорки to the lever лодвески ( 3.3а and 3.3б).
3.3б... Then turn off two bolts and nuts (are specified by arrows), крепящие распорку to the suspension bracket lever
4. Remove the big washer and the rubber plug with распорки, then get распорку from a cross-beam.
5. Check up распорку on presence of cracks and deformation. If распорка погнута more than on 3 mm, replace it. Examine plugs on presence of traces of deterioration, cracks and other damages and replace them if it is necessary.
3.6 Twirl internal counternuts on распарку on distance in 80,5 mm from the end распорки
6. Before installation распорки twirl internal counternuts on распорку ( 3.6).
7. Establish an internal washer and plugs on распорку and insert распорку into a cross-beam. Establish two bolts and nuts, крепящие распорку to the suspension bracket lever, and tighten them till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
8. Establish the external plug, a washer and a nut on распорку.
9. Establish a clip and a bolt, крепящий the stabilizer of cross-section stability to распорке. Lower the car on the earth and twirl a bolt.
10. Tighten an external nut on распорке till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
11. Check up adjustment of forward wheels.