13.9. A rotary pin and a nave - removal and installationRemoval
1. Turn off a nut of fastening of a nave to a semiaxis.
2. Lift the car and remove a wheel. Remove a support of a brake and suspend it on a wire piece.
4.3 Turn off two nuts and bolts, крепящие a rotary pin to a rack (are specified by arrows)-beat out bolts if it is necessary
3. Turn off, but do not remove bolts and nuts, крепящие a rotary pin to a rack of a suspension bracket ( 4.3).
4. Disconnect a tip of steering draught from a rotary pin.
5. Disconnect the spherical hinge from a rotary pin. Remove bolts and nuts, крепящие a pin to a suspension bracket rack.
6. Remove a rotary pin and a nave from the car. Suspend the semiaxis end on a wire.
7. Establish a rotary pin and a nave into place and insert полуось into a nave.
8. Establish a rotary pin on a nave rack, establish fixing bolts and nuts, but yet do not tighten them up to the end.
9. Insert a shaft of the spherical hinge into an aperture of a rotary pin and acquire a fixing nut.
10. Connect a tip of steering draught. Tighten all bolts and nuts till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
11. Establish a brake support.
12. Establish a nut of fastening of a nave to a semiaxis and reliably twirl it.
13. Establish a wheel and lower the car on the earth.
14. Tighten a nut of fastening of a nave to a semiaxis till the demanded moment of an inhaling.