5.14. Air central air - check and routine maintenanceAttention! Air central air is under the big pressure. Until the system will not be discharged at station THAT, to make replacement of details it is impossible. Use goggles at replacement of details of a central air of air.
1. Following operations on maintenance service of a central air of air are necessary for spending regularly:
Check up the compressor of a tension belt.
Check up a condition and a tension приводного a compressor belt.
Examine all hoses of system on presence of cracks, swellings, hardening and deterioration traces. Check up reliability of connections.
Clear a lattice of the condenser of leaves and dead insects.
Check up pressure in a central air.
2. Include a central air approximately for 10 minutes at least once a month to prolong service life of consolidations.
3. As for repair of a central air of air the special equipment and knowledge is required, operations of repair of system are not described in this management. However, simple operations of replacement of some elements nevertheless are described in this Chapter.
4. A principal cause of bad work of system of cooling is low level of a coolant. If you have found out deterioration of work of the conditioner, following actions will help to define quickly coolant level in system.
5. Warm up the engine to normal temperature.
6. Establish the switch of temperature of the conditioner on extremely low level, and the switch of work of the fan - on extremely high. Open doors to be convinced that air central air is not switched off at achievement of the specified temperature.
7. To check up coolant level in air central air include a central air and check up a coolant condition through a viewing window. If in a coolant there are vials, and it foams, means, coolant level is lowered.