2.30. Check and clearing air заслонки the carburettorCheck
1. Check is necessary for spending, when the engine cold.
29.3 Air заслонка it is located in the top part of the carburettor
2. Remove the air filter. Air заслонка it is located from above the carburettor ( 29.3).
3. Squeeze out an accelerator pedal up to the end. Заслонка it should be closed completely. At engine start заслонка it should be slightly opened a little.
4. Start the engine and allow to it to get warm. At engine warming up заслонка should open and become gradually in vertical position when the engine will be прогрет.
5. Clear an axis заслонки an aerosol for carburettor cleaning. Also clear a cam of system of fast idling and the connecting mechanism.