2.23. Steering and suspension bracket checkWhen the car costs on the earth
1. Stop the car and establish wheels directly. Shake a steering wheel to the right-to the left. If the free course too big, means, bearings of forward wheels, the hinge of a shaft of a steering column, the hinge of an intermediate shaft, - spherical hinges of the bottom levers of a suspension bracket or steering hinges are worn out.
2. If the car body is exposed to too strong vibration at movement on bad road, excessively bends at turns or the steering wheel gets jammed, it testifies to presence of faulty elements of a steering and a suspension bracket.
3. Check up shock-absorbers, having shaken the car upwards-downwards.
When the car is lifted, and wheels are free
4. Lift the car and establish it on support.
5. Check up deterioration of a protector and pressure in tyres.
22.6 Press on a cover of the steering mechanism for its check on presence of cracks and leak
6. Check up the universal hinge between shaft of a steering column and the steering mechanism. Check up a casing of the steering mechanism on presence of traces of leak. Check up covers and пыльники. Check up tips of steering draughts on presence of excessively free course. Check up an inhaling of bolts, a condition of plugs and presence of the damaged elements of a suspension bracket ( 22.6).
7. Examine covers of spherical hinges on presence of damages or traces of leak of greasing. Replace covers if they are damaged.