2.9. Replacement of engine oil and the oil filter1. Replacement of engine oil and the oil filter is one of the most important operations which the motorist for prolongation of service life of the engine can spend. The oil filter is recommended to replace each time at engine oil replacement.
8.2 following tools are necessary For replacement of engine oil and the oil filter
1. The pallet
2. Rubber gloves
3. The long handle
4. Накидная a head
5. A special key for removal of the oil filter
6. A special key for installation of the oil filter
2. Prepare all necessary tools and materials before the beginning of work ( 8.2).
3. Warm up the engine to normal working temperature. Lift the car, turn off заглушку a drain aperture, and merge oil.
4. Clear заглушку and area round a drain aperture and establish заглушку into place.
5. Having established the pallet under the oil filter, unscrew it.
6. Grease with engine oil a lining of the new filter and establish it into place, having twirled to the demanded moment of an inhaling.
7. Fill in about 4,0 l of new engine oil in the engine. Wait some minutes and check up oil level.
8.3 With the help накидного a wrench turn off заглушку a drain aperture
8.5 the special key is necessary For removal of the oil filter - do not use it for a twisting of the new filter
8.6 Grease a lining of the oil filter with pure engine oil before filter installation