1.41. Care of the car
Care of the car
That the car did not lose the appearance, behind it attentive leaving is necessary. At carrying out of maintenance service and care of the car use only those substances and materials which do not harm to the surrounding nature. At use of those or other structures watch that they did not contain коррозирующих substances.
Safety measures: Cleaners can be dangerous. Some of them are poisonous or easily ignited. Inhalation of steams of them is hazardous to health of some. At use of a cleaner for car clearing, follow instructions of the manufacturer of this means. Always hold windows and car doors opened at salon clearing. Never use following substances and structures for car clearing:
- Gasoline
- Benzene
- Нафта
- Turpentine
- Varnish
- Solvent
- Soot
- Тетрахлорид
- Acetone
- Solvent of paints
- Polishing means
- Means All these substances are dangerous to paint removal and can
To damage the car.