7.8. The ignition coil - check and replacementCheck
System of ignition without the ignition distributor (DIS)
Primary winding (1989)
7.1 Identification of plugs of a socket of connection of a primary winding of the coil of ignition of models 1989 of release without the ignition distributor
1. Disconnect a socket of connection of a primary winding of the coil and measure resistance between plugs N 4 and Э ( 7.1) and plugs N 4 and 1.
Primary winding (1990)
7.2 Identification of plugs of a socket of connection of a primary winding of the coil of ignition of models 1990 of release without the ignition distributor
2. Disconnect a socket of connection of a primary winding and measure resistance between plugs N 3 both 2 ( 7.2) and plugs N 3 and 1.
Secondary winding
7.3 On the coil of ignition of models without the ignition distributor check up resistance of a secondary winding
1. For cylinders N7 and N4 2. For cylinders N2 and N3
3. By means of an ohmmeter measure resistance between plugs of wires of a high voltage of cylinders N 1 and 4 ( 7.3) and cylinders N 2 and 3.
All other models
4. Disconnect a wire of the minus plug of the accumulator.
7.5 Check of resistance of a primary winding of the coil
5. By means of an ohmmeter measure resistance between плюсовой and minus plugs ( 7.5), and also between плюсовой the plug and the plug of a wire of a high voltage.
6. If resistance differs from specified in section of technical characteristics, replace the ignition coil.
7. Disconnect a wire of the minus plug of the accumulator.
8. Disconnect wires from the coil and remove the s-fastening coil.
9. Installation is spent upside-down removals.