3.7. Hydraulic regulators of valves - removal, check and installation
6.1 Hydraulic regulators of valves are located in back parts коромысел
1. Remove axes коромысел together with коромыслами and get regulators from коромысел ( 6.1). Remember a correct arrangement of regulators.
2. By turns lower regulators in the capacity filled with diesel oil. By means of a rigid wire inserted into an aperture in the top part
Regulator, lower a steel ball and move плунжер upwards and downwards some times. Get a wire and compress a regulator fingers. If плунжер will move though on small distance it means, that in a regulator still there is air.
If плунжер still moves, repeat the previous procedure. If it does not help, replace a regulator.
3. Insert regulators in коромысла, establish a cover of valves into place.
4. If you have not up to the end pitted air from regulators they will rustle when you will get the engine. If it occurs, air can be pitted, slowly having increased number of turns to 3000 rpm for one minute. If noise does not pass replace the spoilt regulators.