3.16. A flywheel - removal and installationRemoval
1. Lift and fix the car on support. Remove transmission. If it proceeds, replace a forward lining.
2. Remove press a coupling disk. Check up coupling details.
15.3а Apertures of bolts of a flywheel are symmetrized not (1,5л)
15.3б In engines with symmetrically located bolts note adjusting position of a flywheel
3. Before removing a flywheel note its correct adjusting position ( 15.3а, 15.3б)
4. Unscrew bolts, крепящие a flywheel to a cranked shaft, preliminary having stopped a flywheel a screw-driver.
5. Remove a flywheel.
6. Clean a flywheel from oil and greasing. Examine a surface on presence of cracks, scratches and other damages. Check up, whether is not present or the chopped off or absent teeth.
7. Clean and check up joined surfaces of a flywheel and a cranked shaft. If the back epiploon of a cranked shaft proceeds, replace it.
8. Put on a flywheel a cranked shaft, having taken into consideration a correct arrangement of apertures of bolts. Before establishing bolts, grease carvings герметизирующим with structure.
9. Tighten bolts till the necessary moment of an inhaling.
10. Establish the remained details.