2.8. Check of level of a liquid in an automatic transmission1. Watch closely level of a liquid of an automatic transmission. Low level of a liquid can lead to drive loss, and overflow can lead to liquid boiling, leak of a liquid and box damage.
2. Check of level of a liquid is necessary for spending, when the engine прогрет to normal working temperature.
7.3а Щуп for check of level of a liquid of an automatic transmission (it is specified by an arrow) it is located near the accumulator (the car bottom view)
3. For check of level of a liquid serves щуп checks of level of a liquid. Watch that liquid level was around an inscription of NOTES on щупе ( 7.3а, 7.3б).
7.3б Check liquid level when a transmission прогрета to normal working temperature - liquid level should be around a mark of NOTES (between two lines)