2.13. Check, adjustment and replacement приводного a beltCheck
1. Приводные belts are клиновыми belts. They are located on a left-hand side of the engine both their condition and a correct tension are very important for engine work.
2. The number приводных belts on the car depends on the established equipment. One belt transfers a drive from a cranked shaft to the generator and the water pump, and other belts transfer a drive to the compressor of the conditioner and the pump of system of hydrostrengthening of a steering.
12.3а the Basic forms of deterioration приводных belts
And. Small cracks
. Greasing hit
Century the Attrition
Always check the bottom party of a belt
12.3б Check up belts on presence of following traces of deterioration - if the belt is worn out, replace it
3. Check up all приводные belts on all length on presence of cracks, material stratification, потрепанности along the edges and deterioration traces ( 12.3а and 12.3б).
12.4 Measurement of a deviation of a belt by means of a ruler and a lath
1. Lath
2. A ruler
3. A belt deviation
4. Check up, that the ruler was perpendicular to a lath
4. For check of a tension of a belt press on it the big finger with effort approximately in 3 kg in a point located in the middle between two pulleys, and check up a deviation of a belt ( 12.4).
5. For adjustment carrying out it is necessary to move the unit receiving a drive, on a fixing arm.
12.6 Move the generator for adjustment of a tension of a belt
1. An adjusting bolt
2. A pulley of the water pump
3. A pulley of a cranked shaft
4. A fixing bolt of the generator
5. A generator pulley
6. On some units for this purpose it is necessary to turn off an adjusting bolt and to move the unit how it is necessary ( 12.6).
12.7 Turn off a lock bolt and tighten up an adjusting bolt for adjustment of a tension of a belt
1. A regulator
2. An adjusting bolt
3. A lock bolt
7. On other units it is necessary to turn off a lock bolt. Tighten up an adjusting bolt for a correct tension of a belt and tighten a lock bolt ( 12.7).
12.8 At installation приводного a belt check up, that it has been established precisely on the pulley middle
1. Correctly 2. Incorrectly
8. For belt replacement ослабьте its tension also remove a belt from pulleys. For removal of some belts it is necessary to remove other belts preliminary. At installation of a new belt check up, that it has been established precisely on the pulley middle, and adjust a tension of a belt ( 12.8).