11.11. Semiaxes - removal and installationRemoval
10.1 When the car costs on the earth turn off a nut of fastening of a nave to a semiaxis
1. Turn off a nut of fastening of a nave to a semiaxis. Lift the car and remove a wheel ( 10.1).
2. Remove a nut of fastening of a nave.
3. Turn off two bolts and disconnect the bottom lever from the spherical hinge or the spherical hinge from a rotary pin.
10.4а Use a stripper for semiaxis removal - do not strike on the end of a semiaxis a hammer
4. Get полуось from a nave by means of a stripper, then take a rotary pin aside and get the end of a semiaxis from a nave ( 10.4а and 10.4б).
10.4б take a pin aside and get the semiaxis end
10.5 Be accurate at a detachment of a semiaxis from a transmission not to damage an epiploon which is located very close
5. Get the internal end of a semiaxis from a transmission ( 10.5).
6. Supporting the SHRUS, accurately remove полуось from the car.
10.7 Replace a lock ring on the internal end of a semiaxis
7. Remove an old lock ring from the internal end of a semiaxis and establish a new lock ring ( 10.7). Grease an epiploon and establish полуось in a transmission.
8. Grease with multipurpose greasing шлицы external the SHRUS, take a rotary pin aside and establish the semiaxis end in a nave.
9. Establish the spherical hinge on the bottom lever of a suspension bracket or a rotary pin.
1.0. Establish a new big Washer and a nut of fastening of a semiaxis. Reliably twirl a nut.
11. Undertake an internal SHRUS and try to get the end of a semiaxis from a transmission to check up reliability of fixing of a semiaxis.
12. Establish a wheel and lower the car on the earth.
13. Tighten a nut of fastening of a semiaxis till the demanded moment of an inhaling.