1.38. The engineCars with the petrol engine
2000 GTi - 16V - 4 тактныи, the 4-cylinder engine with cooling and 2-mja cam-shafts being from above
Other models - 4 тактный, the 4-cylinder engine with cooling and being from above races-preshaft
Cars with the diesel engine
4 тактныи, the 4-cylinder engine with the cooling, being from above a cam-shaft and турбокомпрессором
Cars with the petrol engine
L model 1,8 - 4G37
Model 2,0 l-4G63
Models with a diesel engine - 4D65
Engine volume
Cars with the petrol engine
L model 1,8 - 1755 sm3
L model 2,0 - 1997 sm3
Diesel engine - 1796 sm3
Diameter and piston course
Cars with the petrol engine
L model 1,8 - 80,6 х 86,0 mm
L model 2,0 - 85,0 х 88,0 mm
Diesel engine - 80,6 х 88,0 mm
Degree of compression of a gas mixture
L model 1,8 - 9,5 1
2000 GLSi, GLi, GLXi - 9,0 1
2000 GTi - 16V - 9,8 1
2000 GLSi - 9,0 1
2000 GTi-16V-10,41
Diesel engine - 22,2 1
The valve
L model 1,8
Admission of 0,15 mm
Release of 0,25 mm
Diesel engine
Admission of 0,25 mm
Release of 0,25 mm
Ignition 1-3-4-2